Ecco il primo trailer ufficiale dell’horror The Turning. Protagonisti Mackenzie Davis, che vedremo a breve in Teminator: Dark Fate, e Finn Wolfhhard (Stranger Things).

Il film, diretto da Floria Sigismondi (The RunawaysThe Handmaid’s Tale), è l’adattamento di un romanzo di Henry James e uscirà nelle sale USA il 24 gennaio 2020.

It’s a very dark story that’s endured for over a hundred years. We’ve taken this story, and modernized it, and placed it in the 1990s. It follows a nanny who is looking [for] a life change, and when she arrives at the house she meets two orphans, Flora and Miles. They start to act a little strange and she senses that they’re harboring a secret, that they’re hiding something from her. She quickly realizes that there’s something wrong in the house.

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Mara Ricci

Serie tv, Joss Whedon, Jane Austen, Sherlock Holmes, Carl Sagan, BBC: unite i puntini e avrete la mia bio. Autore e redattore per Serialmente, per tenermi in esercizio ho dedicato un blog a The Good Wife.

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